#5 - Lightroom Techniques
Work Day on Thursday 09/23 to complete the following.
Learning Lightroom Organization & Tools
Organization - In the Library Module
- If you have new images Import your new photos into Lightroom (or just use what you already have in your catalogue.)
- Add the keyword "Practice" to these images during the Importing Process or in the Library Module
- Create a New Collection called "Practice" and add any images you'd like to this collection.
- Select what you feel are your best photos and rate them with a 5 Star rating.
- Out of these photos "Flag your favorite (3) photos.
- Out of these (3) Flagged Photos rank your favorite photo with a color.
Processing - In the Develop Module
- Select a photo and go through the "Basic" Panel to make overall adjustments. Decide whether you want it in "Color" or "B&W" and use the "Color/B&W" panel to adjust the tones as desired.
- Using the "Adjustment Brush" create a mask and apply one or more adjustments to a specific location(s) of your image.
- Find a different image with a straight line (such as a horizon line or the edge of a building) and use the "Graduated Filter" tool to adjust only a portion of your image.
- Select a new image with an oval or circular shape somewhere in the image. Using the "Radial Filter" tool, apply a mask and adjust either that area or everything around it.
- In a new image use the "Spot Removal" tool to remove something distracting in your image.
- Select one of the above images and create a "Virtual Copy" (which is under the "Photo" drop down menu)
- With the "Virtual Copy" selected, crop it to make the image better.
- Select a new image and convert it to B&W.
- Now use Color Grading to make the image appear something other than neutral.
You should now have 6 different images where you applied different techniques.
Keep the above techniques in mind when finalizing the rest of your images for the remainder of the semester!
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